- KFLTF50-A / KS50LTF-A(A) – These LTFs track the SET50 Index, offering a combination of growth and dividend-paying stocks.
- ES-LTFD – An LTF focused on dividend stocks from the SET50 Index.
Thematic & Dividend Funds
These funds focus on specific themes such as high-dividend stocks, corporate governance, or ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investing.
- TISCOHD-A – A dividend-focused fund that invests in high-yield stocks.
- One-SETHD – A fund that selects stocks from SET High Dividend Index (SETHD).
- SCBTHAICGA / B-THAICG – Funds that invest in companies with strong corporate governance (CG), focusing on sustainability.
- K-TNZ-THAIESG / One-THAIESG – ESG-focused funds that invest in socially responsible companies.
- One-EC14-RD / One-EC14-RA – These funds focus on sustainable economic growth sectors in Thailand.
- KFFIN-D – A dividend-focused fund targeting financial sector stocks.
Other Equity Funds
These funds provide exposure to a mix of large, mid, and small-cap stocks, offering diversification and growth opportunities.
- ES-DIV / ES-EQUITY – Equity funds that invest across multiple sectors in the Thai stock market.
- K-TSF – A Thai stock fund focusing on strategic investment opportunities.
- KTSE / MGMF – General equity funds that invest in a wide range of Thai-listed companies.
- 1AMSET50-RA / 1AMSET50-RU – Funds tracking the SET50 Index, offering both retirement and general investment options.
Thailand offers a diverse range of investment funds catering to different investor needs. Whether you're looking for index funds, retirement planning (RMFs), tax-saving options (SSFs), dividend-focused investments, or ESG-themed funds, there are numerous choices available. Before investing, consider your risk tolerance, investment horizon, and financial goals to select the best fund for your portfolio shutdown123